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Washington Legislative History

Outlines basic procedures for conducting legislative history research in Washington state.

Additional Resources

The Legislative Digest and History of Bills (KFW15.A22 - Kelley Reading Room), as the title suggests, provides a digest and brief history of each bill for the particular legislative session, running parallel to the Senate Journals and House Journals but lacking the text that the Journals might contain.

Finally, researching past issues of newspapers and magazine articles published in Olympia, Seattle, Spokane, or elsewhere, may elicit relevant and useful information about controversial or important legislation. Legal periodicals from Washington are available in the Chastek Library, and can also be found on Westlaw, LexisNexis and HeinOnline. Washington newspapers can be accessed through Westlaw and LexisNexis.

For unpublished materials, inquire at the Washington State Archives, who will direct you to appropriate sources at the legislature if they have not yet received the material. You must provide the bill number, date and subject of the legislation in question. Fees for copying and research time may be assessed. For phone numbers please see below.

Chastek Library, Gonzaga University School of Law | 721 N. Cincinnati St. Spokane, WA 99220-3528 | 509.313.3758
