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Uniform Laws & Model Acts

Lists print and electronic sources for uniform laws and model acts.

Print Sources

  • Uniform Laws Annotated  (KF165.A43 – Second Floor Reference)  

Most complete collection of uniform laws and model acts, codes, and rules.  This contains the text of uniform laws and model acts adopted by at least one state.  It includes comments from drafters, tables of adopting jurisdictions with citations and effective dates, variations in text as adopted, case annotations, and secondary source references.  It is updated annually with pocket parts.  It is available in the ULA Westlaw database. 


White and Summers treatise is widely quoted and cited by the courts. The four volume set not only explains the Code, but also suggests how different provisions function and correlate in practice. 


This four volume set includes comments, case annotations, and secondary source references.  It is updated annually. 

Chastek Library, Gonzaga University School of Law | 721 N. Cincinnati St. Spokane, WA 99220-3528 | 509.313.3758
