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Reading a Headnote on Westlaw and in a West Reporter

Explains how the West topic and key number system displays differently on Westlaw and in a print West reporter.

One Topic and Two Key Numbers Assigned to One Headnote

Here is an example where West editors have assigned one topic and two key numbers to one headnote.  This headnote is from U.S. Olympic Committee v. American Media, Inc., 156 F.Supp.2d 1200 (D. Colo. 2001).  This is what the headnote looks like on Westlaw Edge:

If one were to look at this headnote in a West Reporter (Federal Supplement), it would look like this:

Chastek Library, Gonzaga University School of Law | 721 N. Cincinnati St. Spokane, WA 99220-3528 | 509.313.3758
