Comprehensive resource of Congressional documents. CIS Index, legislative histories, U.S. Serial Set, and more. New content added: Executive Orders & Presidential Proclamations, 1789 - present.
Executive Orders are the formal means through which the President of the United States executes a wide range of actions related to the Federal Government’s internal operations and organization, as well as foreign and domestic policies. Presidential proclamations and executive orders have the force of law, and have played a role in many historic events, including Indian removal, internment of Japanese-Americans during World War II, and desegregation of the military.
Federal legislative history service with full-text documents relevant to laws passed from 1920 to present. Includes full text of public laws, all versions of related bills, law-specific Congressional Record excerpts, committee hearings, reports, and prints.
Supreme Court Insight, 1975-2016, is a complete online collection of full opinions from Supreme Court argued cases, including per curiam decisions, dockets, oral arguments, joint appendices and amicus briefs. Content associated with each case is compiled on a dynamic page organized to facilitate understanding of the judicial process, and is also retrievable on a document-by-document basis. This collection covers content through the 2016/2017 term.
Supreme Court Insight, 1975-2016, is a complete online collection of full opinions from Supreme Court argued cases, including per curiam decisions, dockets, oral arguments, joint appendices and amicus briefs. Content associated with each case is compiled on a dynamic page organized to facilitate understanding of the judicial process, and is also retrievable on a document-by-document basis. This collection covers content through the 2016/2017 term.
New / Trial Databases
The following databases are newly acquired or being evaluated for a future subscription.
Slavery and the Law features petitions on race, slavery, and free blacks that were submitted to state legislatures and county courthouses between 1775 and 1867. These petitions were collected from hundreds of courthouses and historical societies in 10 states and the District of Columbia. Slavery and the Law also includes the important State Slavery Statutes collection, a comprehensive record of the laws governing American slavery from 1789-1865.
Practical Law is legal know-how that goes beyond primary law and traditional legal research to give lawyers a better starting point. We provide standard documents, checklists, legal updates, how-to guides, and more - created and continuously maintained by our 230+ expert attorney-editors. These tools can help both students and faculty alie in getting the know-how of how these areas of law are used in the practicing world.
Thomson Reuters ProView is the only professional eReader built with the attorney workflow in mind. Accessible on your smartphone or laptop when and where you need them, law eBooks provide integration with Westlaw, time-saving features, and a book-like reading experience.
Primary documents for all current and historical state constitutions, and expert commentary. Includes the Oxford Commentaries on the State Constitutions (COTUS), a state-by-state analysis on every state constitution.
VitalLaw (formerly Cheetah) contains primary and secondary resources on taxation, accounting and audit, consumer financial services, financial and estate planning, and state and federal labor law.
Chastek Library, Gonzaga University School of Law | 721 N. Cincinnati St. Spokane, WA 99220-3528 | 509.313.3758